**Notes on spreadsheet preparation:
1. Negative values on the spreadsheet are indicated by a minus sign. Parenthesis' are not recognized in the program.2. The Average Change column needs to show and there are percentages calculated for every row that has values.3. If the percentage exceeds 999.99%, change the column to 999.99% and indicate the reason for the change and the actual value in the assumptions. This field is restricted in size within the program.4. All required lines must have a value or the entire forecast will be rejected.EMIS PERIOD P
5 YEAR FORECASTSTEP 1: Create the forecast- SSDT Instructions for USASFF (Optional)
- SSDT Spreadsheets
- ODE Required Lines
- Save the spreadsheet in CSV format
STEP 2: Create the Assumptions
- Save in PDF format
STEP 3: Clear previous forecast & Import the new forecast into EMISFFE
STEP 4: Export the data from EMISFFE and Load into the Data Collector (aka SIF, EMIS-r)STEP 5: Submit the 5 yr Forecast to ODESTEP 6: Check the forecast on ODE's website the next business day - SSDT Instructions for USASFF (Optional)
Last Modified on November 13, 2018